Vivendo a Vida Kung Fu

 Vivendo a Vida Kung Fu  LIVING THE KUNG FU LIFE As a full-time professional si fu, he is dedicated to provide “KungFu Life” to his local and international Ving Tsun (Wing Chun) descendants who come from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United States, as well as other countries. Sendo um si [...]

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Patriarca Moy Yat

  A International Moy Yat Ving Tsun Federation foi fundada em 1996 sob a orientação do Patriarca Moy Yat. Esta federação representa a união das famílias que preservam o seu legado. The International Moy Yat Ving Tsun Federation was founded in 1996 under the guidance of the Patriarch Moy Yat. [...]

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